23 April 2001
I be majorly stressed out..
Got this job interview tomorrow,
and I NEED this job like you would
not believe....
(hell, they called this morning
and said, can you come in tomorrow for
an interview??!?! Are they insane?
Do I have my portfolio together? Hell
no, who's fault is that, mine...
I tried to teach my son a new word today...
Procrastination... He just pulled my
hair and laughed... ah youth)
Well wishers, candles, prayers,
anything anyone who is reading this
is willing to send
would be soooo apreciated...
As I will be up all night trying to
finish my portfolio.. (which is too
damn colorful now.. I thought multi
colors would be cool, but now it looks
tacki and it's too late to change...
*sigh* why ME?!?!?!?)
(who is excited, terrified,
and wonders if she COULD sleep even
if she tried.... *sigh*)
Blessed Be!!