January Collab

January Collab

My favorite ritual is a Full Moon Ritual.

This ritual I found online a couple years ago, and once I tried it and adapted it to fit me better, I loved it!

It really is a very powerful ritual, and my body will thrum with power for a while afterwards. It makes me tremble and feel truly alive. I really felt that the Goddess was / is with me when I perform this ritual.

I try to do this ritual each full moon. There has been a few times when life (baby, hubby, a leaky toilet) has distracted me and I was not able to reach the full potential and state of meditation the ritual seems to require, but usually things are just perfect and beautiful.

Sadly, the place with the best results is in my grove in Germany. Since I no longer live in Germany and I haven’t found a similar spot, I am left with doing it inside my home. This detracts from it greatly, I feel, and I hope to someday find a spot where I can truly be with the Goddess again.

Blessed Be!!!