Basically, the way I see it, anyone can do them.
I quoted a passage from one of my books...
This is what I said...
I'm quoting from a non-Wiccan book. I picked it
up because it had beautiful poems and pictures
and it was a down to earth description of
some of the things I feel about Magick and
life. It has some really good information in
it, and as in all books, some stuff that I
disagree with. However, it is perfect to try
to help you understand that spells don't follow
a particular tradition, Wiccan, Pagan, Native
American, Shamanism, etc. Spells work for
all people, for any reason.
You just always must remember to be careful.
Good Magic by Marina Medici --
a book about
Magic, but she emphasizes it is not a book
of Witchcraft.
"Good Magic is a new concept, in a way, and a very old
one too.
It is old because magic is as old as time. It is new
because only recently few people here and there have
started seeing the magic experiences which is the
patrimony of all and the right of all, and nothing to
do with religion or with supernatural powers or with
extra ordinary things.
"This process of rediscovery uses intuition and
relaxation, and the help of nature, to bring to the
surface the creative patterns already existing. It is
not a matter of raising power in order to direct it
to a chosen subject, decided a priori to be
worthwhile. It is an opening and descending into the
roots of your own energy where you will find power,
but this power will already be engaged in its true
purpose, attributed to it by existence. Then it is
not a matter of doing something with it, or even of
defending oneself from the erracity of it, but simply
of following the energy which is unfolding itself.
"A good magician then is like a good gardener. He knows
that changing a rose into another flower is not
possible, and that if ever it could be achieved, it
would be, at best, just a game. He knows that his job
is to sort the weeds from the flowers and to help the
flowers grow.”
Blessed Be!

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